What is the optimal morning routine? Qual è la migliore routine mattutina?

Qual È La Migliore Routine Mattutina?

Today we’ll learn some English vocabulary words associated with getting ready in the morning.

Lista di vocaboli
  • Night Owl: un nottambulo.
  • To roll out of bed: alzarsi, in un modo abbastanza pigro.
  • To run a comb through your hair: pettinarsi in fretta.
  • Commute: il pendolarismo.
  • Slay: (slang) attuare qualcosa alla perfezione.
  • Circadian rhythm: il ritmo circadiano.
  • Endorphins: le endorfine.
  • Yoked: (slang) muscolosissimo.
  • To Kill two birds with one stone: prendere due piccioni con una fava.
  • Spoil yourself: viziarsi.
  • Leave-in conditioner: balsamo senza risciacquo.
  • Toner: lozione tonificante.
  • On-fleek: (slang) alla moda; impeccabile.
  • To hold you over: mantenere sazio.
  • Drip coffee: caffè con filtro.
  • Bougie: (slang) deriva dalla classe borghese; costoso, stravagante e un po’ snob.
  • You’re killin’ it!: (slang) stai andando alla grande!
  • To do something like a boss: (slang) svolgere qualcosa alla perfezione.
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What is the Optimal Morning Routine?

If you’re a night owl, mornings are rough and you may not care much about optimizing your morning routine. If that’s the case, just stick to the basics of rolling out of bed,  running a comb through your hair, and surviving your morning commute. But for the rest of you, lets talk about how to slay your morning routine!

Step 1: As soon as you wake up...

Woman opening the curtains. Donna aprendo le tende.

Open the curtains to get as much natural light into your eyes as possible. In doing so, you’re letting your brain know that it’s morning. This helps regulate your circadian rhythm. Next, try and think of something that makes you feel joy and gratitude. For me it’s usually my dog Teddy. I start every day by kissing his adorable curly head and rubbing his belly.

cute dog teddy in a blanket. cagnolino carino in una coperta.
(Teddy likes to sleep in.)

Step 2: Move your body

Woman doing yoga with dog.

I know, it seems hard, but exercising first thing in the morning, even for 20 to 30 minutes, has many benefits:

  • It releases endorphins.
  • It kickstarts your metabolism
  • It improves your sleep
  • And it gets you yoked!

I personally like to kill two birds with one stone by pedaling on my exercise bike while I study my Italian flashcards on Anki. 

Step 3: Take a shower that ends with cold water

man taking a cold shower. un'uomo si fa la doccia fredda.

Research done at the University of California Los Angeles found that ending your shower with at least 2-3 minutes of cold water can improve your health in a lot of ways:

  • It can boost your immune system
  • It can help with depression and anxiety
  • It improves circulation and metabolism
  • It reduces pain and inflammation

To help you get your mind off the terrible–uh, I mean–refreshing feeling of ice cold water on your skin, be sure to spoil yourself with luxurious toiletries. Get your hair silky smooth with a fancy leave-in conditioner or lather up with a fragrant shower gel. After you shower, slather on a thick lotion that contains your favorite essential oils. As for your face, use a refreshing toner, followed by a rich moisturizer and if the sun’s out, don’t forget to wear sunscreen.

Step 4: Put on clothes that Make you feel good

dress in a way that makes you feel on fleek. si vesti in un modo che ti fa sentire elegante.

This can mean different things for different people. The bottom line is that you should wear whatever makes you feel on-fleek.

Step 5: Eat a healthy breakfast

yogurt with berries and granola. lo yogurt con frutti di bosco e granola.

Eat something that will hold you over until lunchtime and that is rich in fruits and veggies. My favorite breakfast is soy yogurt topped with blueberries and granola. I also like to eat beans on avocado toast.

Step 6: Caffeinate!

a cup of coffee. una tazza di caffè

This is my favorite step in the morning routine. I know that Italians think that all Americans like to drink weak drip coffee…but I really love a good bougie coffee! I’ll take a strong espresso or a macchiato with oat milk any day of the week!

Final steps

a woman kisses her dog's head. una donna bacia la testa del suo cane.

If you’ve successfully completed steps 1-6, nicely done. You’re killin’ it! Now all that’s left to do is brush your teeth, feed your pets and kiss them goodbye. You should also do this with your kids if you have them….though I hear they require a little more maintenance! Now you’re ready to head to work and enter the office like a boss

illustration of a woman holding an English textbook saying "a presto amici".
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