cosa vuol dire l'acronimo inglese FYI e come si usa What does the english acronym FYI mean and how is it used?

L’acronimo inglese FYI: cosa vuol dire e come si usa?

The Acronym FYI: what does it mean and how is it used?

In inglese, FYI significa: "For Your Information."

In italiano, FYI significa:
  • Per tua/sua/vostra informazione
  • Buono a sapersi
  • È bene sapere che ____.


Come si pronuncia FYI in inglese?

For brevity’s sake, most people will choose to say “FYI” over “for your information,” though they’re both technically acceptable. When you say “FYI” out loud, it’s pronounced like this:

What's the difference between FYI and BTW (by the way)?

Qual è la differenza tra FYI e BTW?

Similar to the acronym BTW, FYI is used when you want to provide helpful information or details. Unlike the BTW, which you can only use in writing, FYI can be used in speaking and in writing. Another difference is that BTW sounds really informal, so it’s probably best to only use it when texting with friends. FYI on the other hand could absolutely be used in a work email, though you won’t see it used in formal documents like legal contracts or résumés.

Example 1:

Una festa sorprendente. A surprise party.

FYI…Sam’s party is a surprise, so don’t say anything!

Per tua informazione…la festa è una sorpresa, quindi non dire niente!

Example 2:

Just an FYI: today’s meeting starts at 2pm.

Per sua informazione: la riunione di oggi comincia alle 14:00. 

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