Cosa vuol dire l'acronimo inglese BTW e come si usa? What does the English acronym BTW mean and how is it used?

L’acronimo inglese BTW: cosa vuol dire e come si usa?

The Acronym BTW: what does it mean and how is it used?

Basic definition:

In Inglese, BTW significa “By the way.” (A proposito.)

How to use this acronym:

It’s appropriate to shorten the phrase by the way to BTW when you are writing to friends in an informal setting and you’d like to provide new information or add your opinion to the conversation.  BTW is probably too informal to use in work correspondence, unless you have a pretty casual workplace. It’s always written, never spoken. When speaking, you must say the words “by the way,” as shown in the examples below.

Example #1

una ragazza scrive un messaggio ad un concerto. a girl writes a text message at a concert.

Siamo appena arrivate al concerto. A proposito, ci sono ancora dei biglietti disponibili.

   It’s written like this:   

We just got to the concert. BTW/ btw/ by the way, there are still tickets available.

  It’s said like this:

We just got to the concert. By the way, there are still tickets available.

Example #2

un ristorante tailandese elegante. a nice Thai restaurant.

Ho incontrato i tuoi genitori al nuovo ristorante tailandese che a proposito, era buonissimo!

   It’s written like this:   

I ran into your parents at the new Thai restaurant, which BTW/ btw/ by the way, was really good!

  It’s said like this:

I ran into your parents at the new Thai restaurant, which by the way was really good!

Example #3

qualcuno da soldi a qualcun altro. someone gives money to someone else.

A proposito, mi devi 50 dollari.

  It’s written like this:   

BTW/ btw/ by the way, you owe me fifty dollars.

  It’s said like this:

By the way you owe me fifty dollars.

I hope this was a helpful little explanation. Let me know what other acronyms you want to learn about down below in the comments!

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