Facciamo un Giro in Giardino

Today we’ll learn some English vocabulary words associated with the garden!

Lista di vocaboli
  • Composter: compostiera.
  • Wheelbarrow: carriola.
  • Pathway: sentiero.
  •  Garden hose with a nozzle: tubo da giardino con un becco.
  • Stepping stone: passatoio
  • Raised bed: aiuola rialzata.
  • Galvanized steel: acciaio zincato.
  • Wooden raised bed: aiuola rialzata in legno.
  • Ferns: felci.
  • Hostas: hosta.
  • Tree stump: ceppo.
  • Tree trunk: tronco dell’albero.
  • Sprinkler: irrigatore.
  • Deck: terrazza in legno.
  • Outdoor furniture: mobili da giardino.
  • Grill: griglia.
  • Umbrella: ombrellone.
  • “Starts” (baby plants): piantine.
  • Candle: candela.
  • Solar lanterns: lampade solari.
  • Grass: erba.
  • Patio: patio.
  • Pavers: mattoncini.
  • Moss: muschio.
  • Japanese maple: acero giapponese.
  • Wind chime: campana da vento.
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Let's take a Tour of a garden

Here’s a composter and a wheelbarrow that’s leaning against the fence. We’re walking down a pathway and there’s a garden hose with a nozzle and a little stepping stone. And let’s get back on the path here…you can see some stairs on the right…and this is a raised bed. It’s made of galvanized steel so that it doesn’t rust. And there’s a wooden raised bed over here. Okay, and we’re just gonna turn to the right here. You can see some ferns and some hostas and an old dead tree stump…and a tree trunk. There’s a little sprinkler head and we’re going to step up onto a deck…and there’s some outdoor furniture, a grill….here’s an umbrella. And here are some little- we call them “starts” or baby plants. Um, none of them have sprouted yet. And there’s a candle and some solar powered lanterns.

Now, some people wonder what the difference is between a deck and a patio, and I’m going to show you. We’re gonna walk here on the grass. And the main difference is that decks are usually made of wood and patios are usually made of pavers or stones, and these pavers have a lot of moss on them. Looking to the left, this is a Japanese maple tree and it has a wind chime in it.

A presto amici!

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