What is meant by the noun Americana? Cosa si intende per il nome "americana" in inglese?

Cosa si intende con il sostantivo “Americana?”

A word of caution: In English, the word Americana is NOT an adjective that means American. It is in fact a noun that refers to any kind of imagery, folklore, music, or artifacts that evoke a sense of nostalgia for America’s roots. I’ll give you some examples of how to use this word in a sentence and I’ll also help you to better understand the concept of Americana.

Lista di vocaboli
  • Turn of the century: il periodo compreso più o meno tra l’anno 1880 e la prima guerra mondiale. 
  • To till the fields: dissodare il terreno. 
  • To pit: snocciolare.
  • To can (cherries): una tecnica di cottura in cui il cibo è cotto e poi imbottigliato in vasi di vetro per conservarlo per tanto tempo.
  • To shuck corn: sgusciare il mais.
  • 4-H competitions: una rete di associazioni che sprona i giovani a sviluppare le loro abilità nel campo dell’agricoltura, soprattutto l’allevamento.
  • Rugged individualists: le persone individualiste, indipendenti, e forse un po’ selvagge.
  • Stetson hat: una marca di cappello collegata ai cow-boy.
  • Chaps: un tipo di pantaloni di cuoio indossati da cow-boy per proteggere la parte anteriore della gamba.
  • To lasso steer: prendere al laccio i bovini.
  • Car culture: una cultura che valorizza e mitizza le automobili.
  • Appalachia: una regione geografica montuosa che si estende in certe parti dell’America dell’est, che è caratterizzata spesso dalla povertà e dalla cultura di quelli che lavorano nelle miniere di carbone.
  • Hillbilly: (scortese) un bifolco; uno zotico.
  • The Deep South: una regione geografica negli Stati Uniti del Sud che si estende attraverso la Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, e South Carolina, conosciuta per la sua storia di schiavismo e razzismo, e ideologie conservatrici.
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How to use Americana in a sentence

Americana a noun that seems more like an adjective because it is often used to qualify other words, as seen in these examples:

The painting’s style is typical of Americana art.

Questo dipinto ha il tipico stile Americana.

The farmhouse was influenced by classic Americana design.

La cascina è stata influenzata dal design classico Americana.

una cascina americana. an american farmhouse.

However, the word Americana can absolutely stand alone. For example:

“That baseball stadium is a real slice of Americana. Being there is like stepping back in time.”

Quello stadio di baseball è proprio un pezzo di Americana. Essere là è come tornare indietro nel passato.

“Accessorize your porch with Americana: a vintage jug, an American flag, and rustic furniture.”

Addobba il portico con Americana: una brocca d’epoca, una bandiera americana, e dei mobili rustici.

un portico rustico americano con bandiera. a rustic american porch with flag.

Because the word can mean so many different things and is a fairly nuanced concept, I’ll break my explanation down into a few categories:

  • The ideas and aesthetics of Americana
  • Physical objects of Americana
  • Americana foods
  • Americana music

The ideas and aesthetics of americana

Agricultural life
Un granaio. A barn.

The idea of the small family farm, especially around the turn of the century is very Americana. Close your eyes and picture a farmer tilling the fields, while his wife pits cherries in preparation to can them for the winter while the children shuck corn on the porch…very quaint and definitely Americana!

Rimuovere i noccioli delle ciliegie e conservarle per l'inverno. Remove the pits from the cherries and preserve them for the winter.

County fairs also encompass the idea. They were a big part of old fashioned agricultural life and they’re still popular today in rural communities. These fairs often have carnival games, rides, music and 4-H competitions. They also tend to have contests to see which farmer can grow the biggest fruit or vegetable.

Le giostre e giochi della fiera americana. The rides and games of the American county fair.
Gara di 4H. Concorso agricoltore per la zucca più grande. 4H competitions and pumpkin growing contest.
The idea of the Wild West
The wild west is a symbol of americana.

Americans like to think of themselves as rugged individualists, so it makes sense that there’s a lot of nostalgia for the Wild West: Cowboys in Stetson hats, chaps, and bandanas ride their horses through the desert plains looking to lasso steer. Dirty lawless towns where men play poker in saloons and drink whiskey…real “manly” stuff like that. Very Americana 😛

Prendere al lazo un bovino. To lasso a steer.
The aesthetics of the 1950's

Some Americans nostalgically think of the 1950’s as “a simpler time,” while others link this decade to widespread racism, sexism, and homophobia. No matter what your opinion is, things that were popular in the 1950’s are often now considered Americana. Some examples include:

Drive in movie theaters and diners are symbols of americana from the 1950s.
Jukebox and classic car. Americana.

In the mid-1850s, Americans became obsessed with baseball and this is when it earned its reputation as a “national pastime.” Today, the sport has become somewhat less popular than American football and basketball, but it still represents a certain time period in America that some people are still nostalgic for. Standing up during the “7th inning stretch” to sing the song “Take me out to the Ballgame” is the quintessential American experience.

Route 66 and the idea of the open road
route 66 is an American highway that is a symbol of Americana

Route 66 is arguably the most famous highway in a country that is known for its car culture. Built in 1926, it passed through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. The famous song “Get Your Kicks on Route 66” sums up how this highway symbolizes the freedom and adventure of the open road. 

Physical objects of Americana

American flag with eagle. Bandiera americana con aquila.
American Flags
A quilt is an american symbol. Una trapunta è un simbolo americano.
The white picket fence is a symbol of the American dream.
White picket fences
I jeans
Blue jeans
Harley Davidson motorcycle
Harley-Davidson motorcycles
Cowboy hat
Cowboy hats

Classic Americana Foods

apple pie. tortino alla mela.
Apple pie
pollo fritto. fried chicken.
Fried chicken
milkshakes, frullati
pane tagliato a fette. sliced bread.
Sliced bread
tacchino. turkey.
Thanksgiving turkey
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Un panino al burro d'arachide e marmelata.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Americana music

1. Bluegrass

Bluegrass music originated in the Appalachia region of the United States around the 1940s. It usually involves instruments like the banjo, fiddle, mandolin, guitar, and harmonica. It’s often fast-paced and upbeat.

Strumenti musicali del genere bluegrass: violino, mandolino, armonica, chitarra e banjo. Bluegrass musical instruments: fiddle, mandolin, harmonica, guitar, and banjo.
2. Rockabilly

Rockabilly music is a sub-genre of rock and roll that was popularized in the 1950s by artists, such as Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, and Carl Perkins. The genre is a mix of rock and country music, as you can imagine by the name, which combines the words “rock” + “hillbilly.”

Elvis and Las Vegas sign
3. Country music

This one goes without saying. If you want a very Americana experience, just put on your cowboy hat, get in your pickup truck, and play some Toby Keith while you drive down a country road.

friends in the back of a pickup truck
4. Blues

This genre started in the Deep South around the 1860s. Early blues music often had lyrics relating to hardship, melancholy, and the plight of African-American slaves. Blues musicians sing from the heart, with a lot of emotion. Some notable musicians are Ma Rainey, Muddy Waters, and Ray Charles.

Ma Rainey blues musician
(Left to right, per Getty Image crediting): Ed Pollack, Albert Wynn, Thomas A. Dorsey, Ma Rainey, Dave Nelson, and Gabriel Washington in 1923. Good Housekeeping, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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  1. Hai mai sentito la parola Americana in questo senso?
  2. Qual è il simbolo americano per eccellenza, nella tua opinione?
  3. Cosa ne pensi di questo testo? Troppo facile? Troppo difficile? Giusto? Quali sono le parole che non sapevi prima? 

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