What do you think about artificial intelligence? Cosa ne pensi dell'intelligenza artificiale?

Cosa Ne Pensi Dell’Intelligenza Artificiale?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a big topic, but today we will discuss a few different points of view that you may come across when discussing AI with other English speakers. 

Lista di vocaboli
  • The cat is out of the bag: qualcosa è successo ed è troppo tardi per cambiarlo.
  • Hands down: senza dubbio.
  • Nuanced: sfumato.
  • The Zeitgeist: le idee ed i sentimenti particolari che definiscono un periodo di tempo.
  • Creative endeavors: attività creative.
  • Programmers: i programmatori informatici. 
  • AI Hallucination: un’allucinazione del computer; Una risposta sbagliata data con certezza dall’intelligenza artificiale.
  • AI enthusiasts: appassionati dell’intelligenza artificiale.
  • To tout: promuovere; vantare.
  • Coders: le persone che scrivono nel linguaggio di programmazione.
  • This is really anyone’s guess: chissà?;  è quello che si chiedono tutti.
  • AI Utopia: l’utopia dell’intelligenza artificiale. 
  • On the other end of the spectrum: dall’altro lato; per quanto riguarda l’opinione opposta.
  • Human subjugation: la sottomissione degli umani.
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What do you think about Artificial Intelligence?

Maybe it’s pointless to discuss the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence since the cat is already out of the bag, but in my opinion AI is hands down the most interesting topic of discussion right now, and I think it will be for a long time. Everyone has an opinion on it and opinions differ drastically. Let’s learn some vocabulary on how to discuss this topic in English.

What is AI, anyway?

human hand touching robot hand with a brain in the background.

Artificial Intelligence is:

The capacity of computers or other machines to exhibit or simulate intelligent behaviour.

Oxford English Dictionary

…In other words, computers are starting to be able to perform tasks that, up to this point, only humans could do, such as:
  • visual perception
  • decision-making
  • speech recognition
  • translation of languages
Hmmm, as a language blogger should I be worried about that last one? I’m actually not too worried because I focus on idiomatic language and slang, which can be quite nuanced and regional, and it can change quickly with the zeitgeist. I think it’ll be hard for computers-even intelligent ones-to fully understand it and keep up with it. Plus, I think there are many of you out there who would prefer to support the creative endeavors of a fellow human over those of a computer, …at least I hope!
We support human creativity. Sosteniamo la creatività umana.

How to start a conversation about AI...

Here are some questions you can ask your English speaking friends to get the conversation started:

#1 Do you think that the benefits of AI outweigh the risks?

Scale with woman thinking about risks and benefits. Bilancio con una donna pensando ai rischi e beni.

Some of the potential risks of AI are:

  • Human creativity might decline. 
  • AI might amplify racial or gender biases because it bases its decisions on old human data.
  • AI could help spread misinformation.
  • As AI gets more complicated, humans won’t be able to understand the algorithm that it uses to make decisions. This will make it hard for programmers to resolve AI Hallucinations.

Some of the potential benefits of AI are:

  • Computers can work faster than humans and with fewer errors.
  • Computers don’t allow their emotions to impact their decisions.
  • AI will liberate humans from monotonous tasks.
  • AI will lead to important advances in energy production and medical technology.
  • AI will create wealth.


#2 How will AI affect the job market?

depressed man with briefcase. un'uomo depresso porta una valigetta.

AI enthusiasts often tout the numerous business opportunities and new jobs that the AI sector will create, but most of them also admit that the technology will likely reduce or even eliminate the need for human labor. The more interesting question here is how will humans get their basic needs met if they are no longer earning money? AI will definitely create wealth, but will any of this wealth be distributed to the people who lose their jobs? What will our sense of purpose be when we humans no longer spend our time engaged in meaningful work?

#3 Which industries will benefit most from artificial intelligence?

Just a few of the industries that are expected to benefit, at least according to Forbes  are:

  • Logistics
  • Cybersecurity
  • Healthcare
  • Research and Development
  • Financial Services
  • Public Transportation
  • Advertising

#4 Should AI be regulated by the government?

artificial intelligence intelligenza artificiale

Some people are demanding that AI companies design their products to clearly show how the computer reaches its decisions. The reason people want this is because as AI gets smarter, its decision making process will get more complex, and therefore harder for humans to understand. If coders can’t understand why a computer made a bad decision, they can’t correct the algorithm that led to the bad decision, which means that humans have lost control. 

#5 What will be the long term impact of AI?

artificial intelligence brain with man using it.

This is really anyone’s guess.  Some people believe in an AI Utopia, in which technology will solve the problems of food and energy scarcity, and humans don’t have to waste their time going to work. On the other end of the spectrum there are those who believe that AI will lead to human subjugation or even extinction. Scary!

In conclusion...

AI is a hot topic right now and everyone has an opinion about it! Starting a conversation about AI with an English speaking friend is great way to practice some of your new technology vocabulary. Beyond that, it’s a way to learn more about the person you’re chatting with, since AI brings up a lot of philosophical and moral questions.

Illustration of a woman holding an English textbook saying "the end."
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