What does the English slang “yoked” mean? Cosa Vuol Dire lo slang inglese “Yoked?” The adjective “yoked” is a slang term that …

Bougie (and Boujee): what does it mean and how is it used? Definition and origin of BOUGIE Cosa Vuol Dire “Bougie” in …

A word of caution: In English, the word Americana is NOT an adjective that means American. It is in fact a noun …

What’s the difference between LAY and LIE? Okay guys, on behalf of the English language, I’m so sorry. This is really confusing, …

The Acronym BTW: what does it mean and how is it used? Basic definition: In Inglese, BTW significa “By the way.” (A …

Online dating is increasing in popularity. In 2022 there were 366 million online dating service users worldwide and the online dating industry …

Learning English through music is super fun and can be incredibly effective. This blog post will focus on what kinds of songs work best when you're using them to learn English...

Today we’ll learn some English vocabulary words associated with the garden! Lista di vocaboli Composter: compostiera. Wheelbarrow: carriola. Pathway: sentiero.  Garden hose …

Podcasts are a fabulous way to learn English. I personally tune into Italian podcasts like Morgana, Bottega di Babbel, and Italian Stories …
