The classic definition of “dope.” La definizione classica di “dope.” The classic definition of the word “dope,” in the dictionary is a …

How to use the word “slay” English Slang: Come si usa la parola “Slay?” The term “slay” is often used to describe …

4 English Expressions that have to do with Potatoes 4 Espressioni inglesi che coinvolgono le patate While St. Patrick’s Day is technically …

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a big topic, but today we will discuss a few different points of view that you may come across when discussing AI with other English speakers. Maybe it's pointless to discuss the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence since the cat is already out of the bag...

Cringy/ Cringe-worthy (AmE) /ˈkrinjē/       /krinjēˈwɝði/ (Adjective): Causing extreme embarrassment or awkwardness. (Aggettivo): Che causa estremo imbarazzo o disagio. Origins of …

Il verbo to gaslight si riferisce all'azione di una persona per convincere l'altra che la sua versione dei fatti o la sua opinione non vale. Il motivo? Per tenerla sotto controllo o ottenere quello che vuole. Ad esempio,..

Knowing how to talk about wine in English is a useful skill, whether you’re ordering a bottle at an elegant restaurant in …

Any more vs. Anymore Any more is a determiner that is used to refer to quantities. Anymore is an adverb that refers …

As you know, the verb “to burn” literally means bruciare and the noun “burn” literally means l’ustione/ la bruciatura. But if you …
