in the background there are potatoes. the foreground says "4 English expressions that have to do with potatoes"

4 Espressioni Inglesi che Coinvolgono Le Patate

4 English Expressions that have to do with Potatoes

4 Espressioni inglesi che coinvolgono le patate
a speech bubble with a potato inside

While St. Patrick’s Day is technically a religious holiday, here in the USA it tends to be celebrated in a pretty secular way: with copious beer-drinking and eating foods that are classically Irish, such as corned beef and potatoes. Since I’ll never pass up an opportunity to honor the mighty potato, I decided to dedicate today’s blog post to this deliciously starchy root vegetable. Here are a few expressions to add to your vocabulary list…

1) Couch Potato

Refers to a person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down, usually watching television. It implies laziness or a lack of physical activity.

2 potatoes with googly eyes sitting on a couch being couch potatoes.

In the summer we’re pretty active, but in the winter we turn into couch potatoes.

In estate ci piace essere attivi, ma d’inverno facciamo i poltroni.

2) Small Potatoes

Describes something insignificant or unimportant, usually in comparison to something larger or more significant. 

A tiny man being crushed by a giant shoe.

Compared to the main problem, the issue of funding is just small potatoes.

Rispetto al problema principale, la questione dei finanziamenti è di minore importanza.

3) A Hot Potato

A controversial or sensitive issue that is difficult to handle or deal with, and is often passed around or avoided.

Border fence between USA and Mexico.

The issue of immigration has always been a political hot potato

L’immigrazione è da sempre un argomento spinoso in politica. In altre parole, spesso viene evitato nel dibattito politico.

4) To drop something like a hot potato

This phrase means to quickly and decisively abandon or disassociate oneself from something or someone, especially if it becomes difficult or problematic.

2 politicians debate. The white politician looks angry and the black one looks like he's trying to calm him down.

As soon as he made that racist comment at the debate, his supporters dropped him like a hot potato. 

Appena ha fatto quel commento razzista durante il dibattito, i suoi sostenitori lo hanno abbandonato all’istante.

Here are a few colloquial ways to say potato

Ecco alcuni modi (molto) informali per dire Patate
  • spuds
  • taters
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