March 2024

Come usare la parola inglese SLAY? How do I use the English word SLAY?

Come si usa la parola inglese slay?

How to use the word “slay” English Slang: Come si usa la parola “Slay?” The term “slay” is often used to describe something or someone who is performing exceptionally well, usually in a dramatic or stylish manner. It’s often used in the context of fashion, competitions, or artistic performances. Il termine “slay” è comunemente impiegato […]

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in the background there are potatoes. the foreground says "4 English expressions that have to do with potatoes"

4 Espressioni Inglesi che Coinvolgono Le Patate

4 English Expressions that have to do with Potatoes 4 Espressioni inglesi che coinvolgono le patate While St. Patrick’s Day is technically a religious holiday, here in the USA it tends to be celebrated in a pretty secular way: with copious beer-drinking and eating foods that are classically Irish, such as corned beef and potatoes.

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